As part of IECEP Manila Chapter’s i-Juanted program, another set of seminars have been prepared for the bona fide ECT, ECE and PECE members and non-members of the organization on the last weekends of May. Check out the full details below!
Industrial Network System and Design
This course is designed to provide idea on each individual in the fundamentals of installing, connecting and designing an industrial network cabling systems. Professional and students will learn to apply the basics of network cable and connector selection, installation, termination and testing. Fundamental testing, certification, and documentation practices will be covered. Identify Basic Network System and Design required to make a Industrial LAN Connection. Design an addressing Scheme for an Industrial Network and Internet network, Assign Ranges for Equipment, Devices and Interface and to give participant the ability to evaluate and advise industry on the use and deployment of networked systems Contents.
Wireless Connectivity for IP Video Surveillance System
An overview about voice communications using IP networks and the course focuses on how VoIP works at a simplified level enabling the professional and students to recognize the key decisions to be made when implementing VoIP and Enabling the use of open standard LAN and distributed data networks for the transport of voice, replacing the use of traditional (and Proprietary) telephone Networks and Equipment. With IP Telephony, voice conversations are converted into packets of data and then transmitted over data networks much in the same manner as e-mails or instant messages. To design, development and deployment of IP based telephony systems for small-to medium sized businesses and to help in making business decisions about IP telephony based on a greater understanding of the technology, how it is implemented, its costs and benefits and its current limitations. (AAP)
Pwede bang mag join ang mga Registered Electricians and Electrical engrs?
Yup, any professional from the other related discipline could attend the seminar as long as he or she is willing to learn and pay for the registration fee. 🙂