A couple of weeks ago, I’ve watched a video clip about a Lego house. Actually, it was not really a house made of toy bricks or so but it was about someone’s apartment space where everything seems to be organized!
When I say organized, all parts of the house can be found in one room. Having a small space of 26 square meters, I was surprised because there’s still plenty of space available for the guests and the house owner.
The apartment has its own shower room, rest room, kitchen, dining room, living room, and bed room all-in-one place. How did the owner make it? Well, he’s quite smart because everything is movable or configurable!
Of course, the shower and rest rooms are in the same place but you’ll be amazed with his kitchen because sometimes it’s just a plain wall, then in a snap of a finger, it becomes a small cozy kitchen where you can make your delicious dishes. The one that I saw in the video is something like the kitchen cabinet organizers here. That makes my hungry now!
Meanwhile, just adjacent the kitchen is the living room and bedroom. However, it could be both living/bedroom depending on your interpretation since the queen bed can be sizable to its half which makes it a sofa and the Flat Panel Television set is mounted to a movable wall bracket! That’s awesome!
Opposite to it is where the dining area can be found using a wide-plank of wood thick wood coming down from the wall which is also movable and supported by another big chunk of wood to the ground. Cool!
I bet this type of apartment is fit only for bachelor or single lady use because how could you add the baby’s crib inside the room unless you’ll configure the apartment and you consider the crib and another bed as part of it. Quite a tactic, huh!? (AAP)