It seems that the gap between a celebrity and an ordinary person who is trying his or her own move to become one is getting thinner. Why did I say so? It’s because now, you can be an instant celebrity via the virtual world. To give you an example, there’s Charice Pempengco who was known globally because of her amazing youtube videos. It’s what I call fame at your fingertips.
Before, we are satisfied with a collection of pictures in a photo album or a recorded video of significant events in our lives like wedding and birthdays. But now, we don’t just want to have it for ourselves because we want to broadcast it to everyone. I can still remember the time when I first learned how to create a webpage using line of codes of HTML. It’s actually the basic and the foundation in creating a webpage. But now, you can create a personalized website using a webpage builder where you can post any pictures and/or videos that you want to share in public.
Who do you think would want to be left behind with all these technologies? Almost, every week or every day, a new application is being created to fulfill the human contentment. It’s a perpetual instinct that nobody can stop.
In reality, you will notice how time really flies so fast. As if you cannot measure it in a snap of a finger or in a blink of an eye. However, we have to keep in mind that virtual world is very far different from reality, and whatever happens, we should know how to preserve our respective personal lives and make it humanely meaningful as possible. (AAP)
Photo Credit: @GoGagga twitter account