Have you heard anything about the book that says it takes twenty one days to break or create someone’s habit? Yes, you heard it right! It normally takes 21 days of doing the same thing constantly without any disruption. This concept is helpful especially when you want to become productive or to start focusing on something that you want to accomplish.
For instance, you want to save money for something worth it like repairing the roofs of your house or painting it with a different color before the year ends, well at this very moment, start cutting back your unnecessary expenses like spending too much on fancy gadgets or eating in overrated expensive restaurants that serves fast but unhealthy foods.
But what if we reverse the process and simplifying it with this: you want to look healthy. Of course in order to do that, you will be forced to eat healthy yet thrifty foods (thrifty because healthy foods are usually cheap and inexpensive). Aside from that, eating healthy foods alone won’t make you healthy without having a fit lifestyle: habitual exercise will do. But wait, these two factors are not sufficient, like what I’ve said we need to do it consistently for 21 days to make it a habit.
When I was in my previous company, I used to go to the gym and workout for one to two hours before the start of my day shift. This became my daily routine because during that time, I was aiming to lose certain number of pounds. No offense for the fat people (whom I used to be one). It was not that a horrible experience but maybe somehow, an unpleasant one since there was a time I can’t use my pants and shirts because it didn’t fit to me anymore. Moreover, I was not comfortable especially during summer season because the humid weather wanted me to sweat more.
After three or four months of constantly working out in the gym, all my sacrifices have paved away when I lose 13-14 pounds. There was no secret in losing weight fast because aside from the work out I also ate healthy foods, I can still remember eating only wheat breads and tuna during lunch time and I refrained from going to the fast food chains. What I noticed during that time was that, aside in losing certain number of pounds, I saved my supposed to be allowance which let me invested our 16 cubic feet inverter refrigerator that costs about P40,000.00 (approximately $952.00).
The bottom line is, I achieved my target weight and I’m pretty much sure I gained quite an impressive health. Furthermore, I was able to save my money and spent it on something worth it. It’s like hitting three birds with one stone.
What we think is what we really want to comprehend even if our body prevents us in doing so. Like for instance in a cold weekend morning, we rather stick on our bed and sometimes oversleep instead of doing some exercise and work out. However, we can contradict this situation by our way of thinking, that there’s no secret in reaching a certain goal because we only have to believe that it lies in every sacrifice. (AAP)